PRICELESS! Little Italian girl talks to her Bisnonna with her hands – MUST WATCH
Little Italian girl talks to her Bisnonna
“With Her Hands”

Italians talk with their hands. This is common knowledge. But is it something Italian children pick up from their parents or is it instinctual?
Watch this video of a precious little Italian girl talking with her hands and you decide. She will certainly steal your heart.
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Where Italy is concerned, cultural behavior varies based on territory. Italians are quite famous for being effusive talkers, keen on using hand gestures to underline their expressions and thoughts. Even these, though, can change depending on which part of the country we are in: accent, tone of voice and gestures can all vary depending on which part of Italy you are visiting.

If you go to Italy, be prepared to find differences in the way people communicate depending on their area of origin. For instance, most Northeners speak slower and in lower tones in comparison to their louder, Southern counterparts.
Despite these differences, Italians in general are known for their particular way of communicating and interacting, something that is particularly true in the South.
While in Italy, don’t be alarmed if you notice people waving their hands and exchanging vigorous hand gestures while speaking to one another: these are just examples of classic Italian non-verbal communication.
But why do Italians like using their hands when speaking so much?

Linda Falcone, an author and teacher, years ago wrote that Italians use their hands while speaking because they are all, in their quintessential nature, artists. They need to create, with their hands, to paint, sculpt, draw and when they do not canvas and brushes, marble and chisel, they mold air with their fingers. It is a poetical image, that creatively explains why we love gesticulating so much.
The all Italian habit of “talking with one’s hands” has been analyzed a while back by the people of the New York Times, which reported we use at least 250 hand signs to underline and reinforce the meaning of our words. The statement is supported by a study conducted by professor Isabella Poggi, of the Psychology Department at the Università Roma Tre.
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