Chicken and Peppers

Chicken and Peppers

You will need

4 to 6 portions

  • a large frying or sauté pan (or use two, of course). The chicken pieces must not be too crowded.

  • 1.5 to 2 kg chicken pieces, skinned, salted in advance  and patted dry (see notes)

  • flour

  • olive oil and butter

  • 2 unpeeled cloves of garlic

  • few sprigs or rosemary

  • 2 bay leaves

  • a couple of glass of dry white whine, about 250 ml

  • 1 large red onion, thinly sliced

  • 1 mazzetto d’odori (bouquet garni): rosemary, sage, bay leaf and thyme, tied up with some kitchen string, if you want to be neat; I often ignore such subtleties and I just chuck the herbs in (as per pictures)

  • 4 large, mixed color peppers cut into large pieces (I always peel them, using a potato peeler)


  1. Flour the chicken pieces, shaking off excess flour.

  2. Heat up the pan with some oil and butter, the garlic, the rosemary and the bay leaves.

  3. When the fat is hot, slip in the chicken pieces and brown them on medium-high, turning them a couple of times. The pieces should take a deep golden-amber colour

  4. Add one glass of whine and let it evaporates almost completely.

  5. Lower the heat, add the sliced onion and toss well to distribute it amongst the pieces of meat. When the onion has wilted, add the second glass of wine and the mazzetto d’odori (bouquet garni). Toss the pieces once more and cover but not completely:  a little gap is essential to favor some reduction and cook on a gentle simmer for about 30 minutes, turning occasionally.

  6. This is an importante step and  you must use your judgment:cover and uncover the dish according to necessity – there should not be too much liquid in the pan but neither too little, just enough to prevent sticking (add few tablespoons of hot water if the pan looks too dry).

  7. Add the peppers and cook for a further 10-15 minutes, covered;  at the end, the pepper should be tender-crisp, the juices should not be too abundant. If this is not the case, lift the chicken and reduce the juices on a very high heat.

  8. Let the dish rest for 20 minutes, partially covered.

  9. Remove the herbs, toss everything together once more and serve.


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