Delicious sautéed razor clams with garlic and parsley.
Delicious sautéed razor clams with garlic and parsley.
16 razor clams
2 clove of garlic (finely chopped)
4 tbsp of parsley (chopped)
4 tbsp of olive oil
1 cup of white wine
8 tbsp of coarse sea salt
Black pepper
One and a half to two hours before serving, put the clams in a bowl with cold water and a tablespoon of coarse salt. Leave to soak.
After 30 minutes, rinse.
Refill the bowl with cold water and salt. Leave the razor clams to soak for another 30 minutes.
Repeat 3 times.
Heat olive oil on medium heat in a large frying pan.
Add the garlic and parsley and cook for 1 minute.
Add the razor clams and cook for 2 minutes.
Pour in the white wine and black pepper and increase the heat for 2 minutes.
Remove from heat.
If you look at the razor clams closely, you will see that one one end it looks like there is a little mouth with teeth. Cut off this part of the razor clam before serving.
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