Everybody Loves Raymond Season 9 Bloopers
Everybody Loves Raymond Season 9 Bloopers
Everybody Loves Raymond. I still think this was the funniest sitcom on TV while it lasted and honestly I look forward to the re runs now. I know some people hate this show. Just this week I posted a clip and we received two or three hate notes among hundreds of postive.
In my mind the casting was perfect.
I couldn’t imagine the show with anyone else as these characters. I mean Doris was absolutely spectacular as Marie. She had all the moves down perfect. And Peter Boyle… really.. was again perfect as Frank.
Debra was one of a kind. She also fit exactly as Ray’s wife and both Robert and Amy couldn’t have been better.
Even the characters that were usually additions to the show fit like a glove. You have to give the casting director kudos for a job very well done. I wonder how many actors they had to go through before they came up with this cast. And it strikes me funny that Marie and Frank live across the street and are always in the house when ever they want. That is typically Italian it seems to me. Actually it probably sounds weird to many but I actually like that.

Take a moment and watch some bloopers from Season 9. I just can’t stop laughing these are so enjoyable to watch over and over again.
What can you say except that Everybody Loves Raymond was and still is for that matter one of the funniest shows ever on TV. I’m not gonna’ waste your time going on and on about it. Suffice to say……. Enjoy!
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