Perry Como – Father of Girls (PRICELESS)

Perry Como – Father of Girls


One of the many factors in his success was Perry Como’s insistence on his principles of good taste.  If he considered something to be in bad or questionable taste, it was not in the show or broadcast, no matter what.

When a remark made by Julius La Rosa about television personality Arthur Godfrey on The Perry Como Show was misconstrued, Perry Como offered an on-air apology at the beginning of his next show, against the advice of his staff.

While his performance of “Ave Maria” was a tradition of his holiday television programs, Perry Como refused to sing it at live performances, saying, “It’s not the time or place to do it”, even though it was the number-one request of his audiences.

Another was his naturalness. The man that viewers saw on television every week was the same person who could be encountered behind a supermarket shopping cart, at a bowling alley, or in a kitchen making breakfast. What the world needs more of these days.

A Gentleman….

Lyrics to the Song

“When you’re the Father of Girls”

When you’re the father of boys,
How you worry,
But when you’re the father of girls,
You do more than that,
You Pray!

From the time of diaper and pin,
‘Till the time they cry, “don’t come in!”
‘Till the time you gown them in white,
And give them away,
You worry, you worry,
You worry, night and day!

When she’s a plain little girl,
How you worry,
But when she’s a beautiful thing,
You do more than that,
You pray!

Boys come ‘round when they want a date,
Girls may only stay home and wait,
When she’s out you sit up all night,
With her first baby toy!

You trust her, but worry,
‘Cause you were once a boy!

When you’re the father of boys,
How you worry,
But when you’re the father of girls,
You do more than that,
You pray!

From Wikipedia


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