Pork, Squash, and Green Beans Recipe

Pork, Squash, and Green Beans Recipe

Pork Seasoned Thyme, Squash, and Green Beans Recipe


Prep time: 10 min

Cook time: 25 min

Total time: 35 min

Yield: 2 servings

  •     2 (8 oz.) pork fillets

  •     1 tablespoon dried thyme

  •     1 squash

  •     1 cup green beans

  •     2 tablespoons olive oil

  •     1 teaspoon salt

  •     1 teaspoon pepper

Cooking Directions

  1.     Clean pork and trim any fat off, then season on both sides with thyme, salt, and pepper

  2.     Wash squash and green beans and cut squash into 1/4 inch chunks

  3.     Add 1 tablespoon of olive oil to pan and then place pork in pan at high-heat, searing both sides for 4-5 minutes

  4.     Add squash, green beans, 1 tablespoon of olive oil and cover pan with lid but reduce heat slightly, opening every 5 minutes to stir vegetables

  5.     After 20-25 minutes, remove lid to reduce juices and let sit for 5 minutes off stove

  6.     Ready to serve

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