Roasted Octopus

Roasted Octopus


  •     2 Pound Octopus

  •     1 to 2 Wine Corks

  •     1 Cup White Wine

  •     1 Lemon, Halved

  •     Extra Virgin Olive Oil

  •     2 Cloves of Garlic, Minced

  •     4 Tablespoons Olive Oil

  •     Fresh Chopped Parsley

  •     Sea Salt & Cracked Black Pepper


  1.     In a saucepan large enough to hold the octopus, add one half of the lemon, a wine cork, and the cup of white wine.

  2.     Add enough water to cover the octopus and cover with a lid.

  3.     Heat on a stove burner on high, and once boiling reduce the heat to a slow boil.

  4.     Cook under the octopus is tender when pierced with a fork.

  5.     Shut off the heat and allow the octopus to cool in the cooking water to room temperature.

  6.     Remove the tentacles from the head and if you want, cut the head into pieces as well.

  7.     Drizzle the octopus pieces with a little olive oil and mix to lightly cover.

  8.     Heat up the grill or broiler, and cook until the edges begin to brown and crisp.

  9.     Drizzle on a little more olive oil, squeeze the remaining lemon on top, and sprinkle with chopped parsley and minced garlic.

  10.     Season with salt and pepper and serve.

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