Simple Mackerel Fillets Recipe with Olives and Onions

Simple Mackerel Fillets Recipe with Olives and Onions

A real cure-all recipe, very easy and delicious: mackerel fillets with green olives and onions, made with Castelvetrano olives,


  • 6 tbs of extra virgin olive oil
  • 5 big onions
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 6 oz green olives from Castelvetrano
  • 1/4 white wine
  • 10 mackerel fillets
  • Salt and pepper

5 servings


10 min.


40 min.


50 min.

Springtime reminds us that it’s time to reset our diet and eat healthy. Today we suggest you a real cure-all recipe, very easy and delicious: mackerel fillets with green olives and onions (the image is indicative only). We’ll use special Castelvetrano olives (also called Nocellara olives), hailing from Sicily and famous as one of the most delicious type of olives in the world.

Mackerel is often considered a poor fish, a sort of poor version of tuna fish, on the contrary it is rich in nutrition health benefits and is also available in our markets at reasonable prices.

How to cook Mackerel Fillets with Olives and Onions


  • wash the mackerel fillets and cut them thinly;
  • put the oil in a large saucepan together with the onions and bay leaves and cook on a moderate heat for 20/25 minutes, stirring occasionally until the onions are soft and golden;
  • add the unpitted olives and the wine and turn up the heat so that alcohol evaporates;
  • add salt and pepper;
  • put aside the onions and in the same frying pan, place the tuna fillets with the skin facing down;
  • after a couple of minutes turn the fillets upsidedown and cover them with the onions;
  • let them cook for 8 minutes approx;
  • serve warm or at room temperature.

Images: Mackerel with sauce, CC BY 2.0 | Mackerel fillets CC BY 2.0

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