


  •     About 4 Zucchini’s

  •     1/2 cup of Parsley

  •     1/4 Onion

  •     5 Cloves of Garlic

  •     1 Egg

  •     1.5 Pounds of Ground Pork

  •     4 Tablespoons Olive Oil

  •     Salt

  •     Black Pepper

  •     Mozzarella

  •     Parmigiana Cheese

  •     Tomato Sauce


  1. Start off by adding 4 tablespoons of olive oil into a frying pan. Put it on the stove on medium heat. Once the oil is hot, add in the ground pork. You are going to brown the pork a little, so stir occasionally. While that is cooking, you will need to cut the zucchini’s into halves. Next, scoop out the inside of each slice of zucchini. Don’t scoop out too much, just enough to add in the ground meat later. Also, don’t throw away the zucchini meat, keep that aside for later. I used a grapefruit spoon to scoop it out.

  2. Next you will need to dice up the onions and garlic. Add in the garlic, onions, salt and black pepper into the frying pan with the pork, and mix it evenly. You can also add however much salt and black pepper you want for your tasting. Once the meat has been fully browned, empty it into a dish to cool off a bit.

  3. Now you can chop up the zucchini meat that was emptied earlier, and put it in the dish with the pork. Also add in chopped parsley, parmigiana cheese, and one egg. Mix it all thoroughly.

  4. Next, use the mix to stuff the insides of the half zucchini’s. Now, in an oven safe pan, coat the bottom with about a 1/2 cup of tomato sauce. Place the stuffed zucchini’s in the pan over the tomato sauce.

  5. With the oven at 400 degrees, put the stuffed zucchini in the oven for about 30 minutes. After about 15 minutes, you can cover the pan with a sheet of foil. Once 30 minutes has passed, top off each zucchini with mozzarella. Put it in the oven for another 5 minutes, or until the mozzarella has melted.

  6. Once it’s done, take it out of the oven and let it sit for a few minutes. Top off each dish with a sprinkle of chopped parsley, and enjoy!



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