Sweet Olivette di Sant’Agata

Sweet Olivette di Sant’Agata

Also called alivetti or aliveddi ri Sant’Àjita , olive groves boast an ancient history. One of the legends tells that, on the way to the proconsul of Catania, Agata stopped for a moment to tie a sandal and, at the point where she touched the ground, an olive tree full of olives began to grow. Hence the custom of preparing these sweets typical of the feast of Sant’Agata by the people of Catania.


  • almond flour : 1 kg

  • Sugar : 1 kg

  • water : 250 ml

  • vanilla extract 1 teaspoon

  • Green dye : a few drops

  • Dark chocolate : 100 grams

Recipe and preparation

  1. Take a pot and put all but two tablespoons sugar , then add the water , stir and bring to a boil , continue cooking until the syrup with a teaspoon raising will stretch to the wire.

  2. Add the almond flour and stir , then pour the mixture onto a work surface , add the green dye and mix well . Form into the shape of olive then dip in the granulated sugar .

  3. In the meantime, melt the chocolate in a double boiler or in the microwave and Dip Olivette half . Let them dry on baking paper and then serve .

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