Olive Schiacciate

Olive Schiacciate

Olive Schiacciate – Italian cracked olives with vinegar, garlic and pickled vegetables.


  •     10 oz. green olives unpitted

  •     1 garlic clove

  •     1 ¾ oz. celery sliced

  •     1 tsp. oregano

  •     3.5 oz. giardiniera – mixed pickled vegetables chopped (Click here to make your own)

  •     2 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil

  •     ½ tbsp. vinegar


  1.     Put the green olives and garlic clove in a bowl and squash them with a mallet.

  2.     Add the sliced celery, chopped giardiniera, oregano, extra virgin olive oil and vinegar and mix well.

  3.     Refrigerate until ready to serve.

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