Pantelleria Salad (Insalatona Pantesca)

Pantelleria Salad  (Insalatona Pantesca)


  • 1 lettuce

  • 4 boiled potatoes

  • 4 large mature tomatoes

  • 100 grams black olives

  • 2 tbsp salted capers

  • 2 red onions

  • 8 anchovy filets preserved in oil

  • Vinegar or vinaigrette

  • 1 tsp oregano

  • Salt and pepper


  1. Wash the lettuce, chop it roughly and place it in a large salad bowl.

  2. Slice the potatoes, tomatoes and onions and add them to the salad.

  3. Mix in the olives, capers (rinsed), anchovies and dress with a vinaigrette.

  4. Sprinkle oregano over the top and serve.

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