Pizza Bianca Prosciutto Cotto, Artichoke, and Arugula Recipe

Pizza Bianca Prosciutto Cotto, Artichoke, and Arugula Recipe


  •     2 ounces fresh mozzarella

  •     2 ounces Taleggio (cheese)

  •     3 cloves garlic

  •     4 tablespoons olive oil

  •     1 teaspoon thyme

  •     16 ounces fresh dough see below for recipe

  •     Handful of flour

  •     3 tablespoons Semolina flour

  •     1/2 teaspoon of salt and pepper

  •     4 thin slices prosciutto cotto

  •     1/4 cup marinated artichoke

  •     1/2 cup arugula


  1.     Preheat oven to 450 degrees and chop garlic cloves finely

  2.     Take dough, flour and begin to poke and stretch dough slowly to flatten out, then use dough roller to create oval shape that will fit into rectangular cooking sheet pan (click here for homemade dough recipe)

  3.     Add semolina flour spread across the baking pan

  4.     Add dough onto pan and fit to rectangular shape then dress with chopped garlic and 2 tablespoons of olive oil, topped with salt and pepper

  5.     Add chopped fresh mozzarella and little pieces of taleggia to dough, on top of olive oil

  6.     Add chopped marinated artichoke hearts and pieces of Prosciutto cotto spread across the pizza

  7.     Top with thyme sprinkled throughout and lightly dressed with olive oil

  8.     Place pizza bianca in oven and cook for 20 minutes

  9.     Remove from oven and let rest for 5 minutes, add arugula then cut slices and serve

Homemade Roman Pizza Dough Recipe


  •     1 3/4 cups  tipo 00 flour

  •     1 3/4 cups Semolina flour

  •     2 teaspoons salt

  •     1 teaspoon yeast

  •     1 cup water

  •     2 tablespoons olive oil


  1.         In order to make dough, heat water in a pot for 2-3 minutes until warm then place in a bowl with salt and stir well for several minutes

  2.         Add yeast into the bowl and stir for at least 5 minutes until yeast dissolves

  3.         Add Molino Caputo tipo 00 & Moretti Semolina flour to bowl and mix together well. Then add water with the yeast, olive oil and continue to stir for at least 10 minutes, until dough begins to turn into an elastic substance (add more water or olive oil if dough is not sticking)

  4.         Place dough on a cutting board or cooking sheet and cover all sides with a little flour, then cover with a damp towel or plastic wrap and place under a bowl for at least 4-6 hours

  5.         Shape and kneed dough lightly (less kneeding and touching with Roman style dough) into round balls (you can freeze what you do not plan to use)

  6.         Ready to be rolled and prepared for pizza cooking

Pizza Bianca with Prosciutto Cotto, Artichoke, and Arugula Recipe

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