Poppy cake

Poppy cake

Ingredients for 6 people:

  • Butter 200g
  • sugar 200g
  • 5 eggs
  • 1 red apple big enough
  • ground poppy seeds 250 gr
  • icing sugar
  • butter (to grease)
  • breadcrumbs (for sprinkling).


Whip butter with sugar and, as soon as the mixture will appear soft and fluffy, add the egg yolks one at a time, poppy seeds and apple peeled and cut into cubes. Whip the egg whites until stiff and embed them to the prepared cream and butter a baking tray and sprinkle with breadcrumbs then pour the mixture and place in preheated oven at 200 ° C until golden brown. Serve sprinkle with icing sugar.

Preparation time: 1 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds

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