Trofie with green beans and potatoes

Trofie with green beans and potatoes


for 4 people:

For the dough

  • White flour 300g

  • green beans 200g

  • potatoes 250g

  • salt.

For the pesto

  • 40 fresh basil leaves

  • 2 cloves garlic

  • 2 tablespoons grated pecorino cheese

  • 2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese

  • 1 tablespoon pine nuts

  • olive oil

  • coarse salt.


  1. On a pastry board put the flour with a pinch of salt, then drizzle with warm water and knead for about 15 minutes until the mixture is smooth and firm.

  2. Divide the dough into pieces that you will roll under your hands into sticks, then cut into small pieces with the size of a pea. Roll up again under the hands the dough to obtain a small cylinder of about 4 cm that must eventually be twisted as the tip of a corkscrew.

  3. Continue until you ran out of dough.

Prepare the pesto:

  1. wash the basil leaves, free them from the stem and place them in a mortar; add the garlic, pine nuts and a bit ‘of salt, then with the pestle crush together until a paste to which you add at this point, gradually the two grated cheeses.

  2. Finally, drizzle with oil and mix well.

  3. Wash the beans and cut the ends, peel the potatoes, wash and slice.

  4. In a pot, boil potatoes and green beans in plenty of boiling salted water, and cook over medium heat. When the cooking is almost done, add the prepared ‘trofie’ and cook for another few minutes.

  5. Add a little cooking water to the pesto then, as soon as the pasta is cooked, drain it together with the vegetables and pour into a bowl; add the pesto, mix well and serve.

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