Artichoke Ricotta Pie

Artichoke Ricotta Pie









  •     1 package of puff pastry

  •     6 medium artichokes

  •     15 oz. ricotta

  •    4 eggs

  •     1/4 cup of grated parmigiano reggiano

  •     3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

  •     1 tsp of nutmeg

  •     salt and pepper to taste


  1. Preheat oven to 350°F.

  2. Prepare a bowl with cold water and lemon juice.

  3. Clean the artichokes by eliminating their outer leaves; you can do this by bending them and snapping them off. Do this until you get to the leaves that are lighter in color.  Cut off the tip of the central cone, to eliminate the tougher green end of the leaves. Cut the heart in half and scoop out the inside chokes with a knife or a small spoon. Cut the heart of the artichoke into thin slices and immerse in the lemon water. If your artichokes have stems, cut the stem off and peel it of its outer skin. Chop into small cubes.

  4. Heat oil in a wide saucepan over medium-high heat. Sauté artichokes over high heat for a few minutes and add water if they start to dry out. Lower heat to a medium flame and cover pan. Stirring occasionally. Sauté artichokes for at least 30 minutes, or until they are tender but not too soft, they will continue to cook in the oven. You can sauté the artichokes the day before.

  5. Arrange your puff pastry in the pie pan or casserole, depending on the shape of your crust.

  6. Prepare the ricotta by stirring it with a whisk. Add eggs, parmigiano reggiano, salt, pepper and nutmeg, blend well and add the artichokes. Fill the puff pastry with the artichoke-ricotta mix. I ended up with more puff pastry than I needed and made a covered pie, this is optional.

  7. Place pie in the center of the oven and bake for about 45 minutes or until browned and serve either warm or at room temperature.

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