Homemade Orecchiette con Cime di Rape

Homemade Orecchiette con Cime di Rape


  •     400 grams (circa 1 pound) orecchiette (recipe below)

  •     1.5 kg (circa 3 pounds) broccoli rabe

  •     4 salted anchovy filets, rinsed

  •     2 garlic cloves, peeled and left whole

  •     1 chili pepper

  •     Extra virgin olive oil

  •     Salt to taste


  1. Fill a large pot with water for the pasta. Bring to a boil over high heat.

  2. Clean the broccoli rabe, removing the tender florets and a few leaves, wash them with care in cold water and drain.

  3. Once the water starts to boil for the pasta add a small handful of salt to the water and bring to a rolling boil. Add the orecchiette and the broccoli rabe.

  4. In the meantime heat a generous amount of olive oil in a wide saucepan over medium-high heat and add the garlic, chili and the anchovies and cook for a few minutes, letting the anchovies melt into the oil.

  5. Drain the pasta and the broccoli when the pasta is al dente, usually about 4 or 5 minutes for fresh pasta, but best to taste to see if they are done. Toss the orecchiette and the broccoli rabe in the pan with the olive oil over medium to high heat for a minute or two to amalgamate all of the flavors.



  •     1 cup of durum wheat flour for each person

  •     Warm water, enough to bring the pasta together


  1. Pour the flour into the center of a wooden board, creating a little well in the center. Gradually pour the warm water in and work the flour into the water creating a dough that isn’t too dry or too sticky. Work the pasta on the wooden board until air bubbles are created and you hear a pop.

  2. At that point create a ball and cut it into 4 wedges. Roll the first wedge out into a long tube about a half inch in diameter. Cut a small piece of the tube and with a serrated knife with a rounded point, these are everywhere in Italy, press the small tube to flatten it out, holding the side that has been pressed down, pick the orecchietta up with the edge of the knife and then poke the other side with your thumb. Repeat until all of the dough has been made into orecchiette, dusting the finished orecchiette with durum wheat flour as you go.

  3. They are the most delicious the day that you make them, but will keep for a few days under a kitchen cloth.

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