Parma ham layered cake.

Parma ham layered cake.

It’s a great appetizer I discovered in a historical gourmet shop in Bologna called Tamburini

For this recipe I don’t want to give you measures because I do it using the scientific method “a little of this, a little of that”; I’m sure you can follow this method too :

D Parma ham in thin slices

green salad arugula

processed cheese slices or cheese in thin slices

black truffle sauce or mayo

and black truffle

In a pan or on a dish make a layer of ham, put on top black truffle sauce or some mayo plus some truffle then green salad and arugola in small pieces. Make another ham layer then add the cheese slices, add some more truffle sauce or truffle mayo another green salad and arugola. End with a last layer of Parma ham. Let it set for a couple of hour into the fridge covered with clingfilm to let the tastes combine together and serve in small squares of about 1.5X1.5 inches. If you have a pizza slicer you can use it to make squares, if not use a very sharp knife.

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