Primavera Risotto with Fried Eggs

Primavera Risotto with Fried Eggs


  • 5 tablespoons butter, divided

  • 2 cups chopped button mushrooms (about 5 ounces)

  • 1 small onion, chopped

  • 3 garlic cloves, minced

  • 2 cups arborio rice

  • 1/2 cup dry white wine

  • 3 cups vegetable broth, divided

  • 3/4 cup sliced carrots

  • 2 cups asparagus, each spear chopped into 3 equal pieces

  • 3 cups (or more) water

  • 1 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese plus additional for serving

  • 1/2 cup shelled fresh peas or thawed frozen peas

  • 4 large eggs


1. Melt 1 tablespoon butter in medium skillet over medium-high heat. Add mushrooms; sauté until tender, about 5 minutes. Season mushrooms with salt and pepper. Set aside.

2. Melt 3 tablespoons butter in large pot over medium heat. Add onion; sauté until beginning to soften, 5 minutes. Add garlic; stir 1 minute. Add rice and stir until translucent at edges, 5 minutes. Add wine. Stir until liquid is absorbed, 1 minute. Add 1 cup broth. Simmer until broth is absorbed, stirring often, 3 to 4 minutes. Add carrots, asparagus, and 1 cup broth. Simmer until liquid is absorbed, stirring often, 5 to 6 minutes. Continue to add remaining broth, then water, 1 cup at a time, until rice is just tender and mixture is creamy, stirring often and letting almost all liquid be absorbed after each addition, about 25 minutes total.

3. Stir 1 cup cheese, peas, and mushrooms into risotto. Season to taste with salt and pepper.

4. Heat 1 tablespoon butter in large skillet over medium heat. Cook eggs, flipping once during cooking time, until whites are cooked through and yolks are cooked to desired doneness.

5. Mound risotto on plates. Using back of spoon, make hollow in top of each mound. Top each with egg.

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