Pesto-topped Flounder & Green Beans Packets

Pesto-topped Flounder & Green Beans Packets


Makes one packet one per person

  •     Fresh green beans, cleaned/ends clipped

  •     6 oz fresh flounder, 1/2″ thick

  •     2-4 slices lemon + lemon juice

  •     1/4 c basil pesto

  •     Pinch black pepper


  1. Place a handful of green beans 12″ square of heavy foil, sprayed with a little cooking oil.

  2.  Lay one fillet onto the green beans.

  3. Squirt the fillet with lemon juice, spread evenly with the pesto, pinch with pepper & place 1-2 lemon slices on top.

  4.  Bring together two opposite edges of foil & seal with a double fold. Fold remaining ends to completely enclose food, allowing space for steam to build.

  5. Place foil packets on a  baking pan.

  6. Bake @ 400 degree F about 15 minutes or until fish begins to flake when tested with a fork.

  7. Open packets carefully to allow steam to escape.

  8. Transfer packet contents to plates.

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